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Wwi The First Mechanized War - En

Wwi The First Mechanized War - En
Wwi The First Mechanized War - En
Wwi The First Mechanized War - En
Wwi The First Mechanized War - En
Wwi The First Mechanized War - En
Wwi The First Mechanized War - En
Wwi The First Mechanized War - En
Wwi The First Mechanized War - En
Wwi The First Mechanized War - En
Wwi The First Mechanized War - En
Wwi The First Mechanized War - En
Wwi The First Mechanized War - En
Wwi The First Mechanized War - En
Ez a könyv átfogó és teljes képet nyújt a páncélos hadviselés kezdeteiről és gyors fejlődéséről a Nagy Háború alatt.
12 580 Ft
A vásárlás után járó pontok: 1 258 Ft
Ez a könyv átfogó és teljes képet nyújt a páncélos hadviselés kezdeteiről és gyors fejlődéséről a Nagy Háború alatt.

172 Pages. Soft Cover.
This book provides a comprehensive and complete view of the crude beginnings and fast evolution of armored warfare during the Great War. It includes historical texts illustrated with period photographs, and detailed colour profiles of each of the most outstanding models. Also included is a brief reference to the evolution of military aviation during the Great War, with colour profiles of the most important fighter planes used by all contenders. As a bonus, the book offers a worldwide exclusive; a fantastic collection of large format black & white photographs, never before published; surely, such an amazing photo collection will inspire modelers into making accurate dioramas and vignettes of the First World War; the first mechanized war.