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Dark Brown Paneliner

Dark Brown Paneliner
Dark Brown Paneliner
Dark Brown Paneliner
Dark Brown Paneliner
Dark Brown Paneliner
Sötétbarna színű burkolat. 40ml.
2 412 Ft
A vásárlás után járó pontok: 241 Ft
Sötétbarna színű burkolat. 40ml.

Dark Brown color paneling. 40ml
Enamel product.
This paint has the perfect fluidity, consistency and pigmentation to highlight the panel lines and detail shapes for any type of panel lines and detail shapes on any type of model.
The bottle cap features a fine brush for easy application of the product.
Excess paint can be removed with a clean brush or with a brush dipped in White Spirit.
Indicated to obtain medium-high contrasts on different base colours: greens, sand, reds, etc.
The panelers work best on glossy or satin surfaces and thus it is easier to remove excess paint.