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TOP termékek

Fantasy Figures - Uwue, The gatekeeper

Fantasy Figures - Uwue, The gatekeeper
Fantasy Figures - Uwue, The gatekeeper
Fantasy Figures - Uwue, The gatekeeper
Fantasy Figures - Uwue, The gatekeeper
Fantasy Figures - Uwue, The gatekeeper
Fantasy Figures - Uwue, The gatekeeper
Fantasy Figures - Uwue, The gatekeeper
Jó minőségű figura.
15 216 Ft
A vásárlás után járó pontok: 1 522 Ft
Jó minőségű figura.

Rage Resin Models enters the world of fantasy figures in 54mm with a range coming from the hand of Raul Garcia Latorre and his brand Enigma.
This includes his classic 54mm figures, cast now in resin by master Verdier, and the latest sculpture from Raul for this launch, UWUE, The Gatekeeper ,a stunning figure, perfectly modeled by Raúl and painted by Eduardo Fernández .
The highest quality under the brand Rage.