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Poison Gamin

Poison Gamin
Poison Gamin
3 db, több részből álló, műanyag figura Malifaux Arcanist frakcióhoz.
7 770 Ft 
4 662 Ft
Kezdete: 2021.11.26   A készlet erejéig!
A vásárlás után járó pontok: 466 Ft
Figurás társasjáték összerakható figurái. Második kiadás.

Poison Gamin
Each type of Gamin is the physical embodiment of a force of nature, and the Poison Gamin are no exception. They are created by the very essence of venom; their aura is described by some as if it could drain the very essence of life.

As a Poison Gamin draws near, those around them begin to feel sickly and weal. Their touch can spread a deadly toxin, and they wield a lethal, barbed tail which can deliver a deadly mix of the most virulent toxins.

Poison Gamin are some of the most difficult Gamin to summon and control due to their deadly nature. More than one wayward Arcanist has summoned one, only to accidently brush against it and succumb to their own creation. Because of this, only the most skilled mages attempt to call the creatures into the material plane. Among them is Sandeep, who considers the Gamin to be perfect for helping him to collect some of his more dangerous magical items.

Arcanist Box Set, containing three 32mm ‘heroic’ scale miniatures made of high quality Plastic.

Set Contains:


3 Poison Gamin
Stat Cards

3 Poison Gamin