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Complements - Urban

Complements - Urban
Complements - Urban
Complements - Urban
Complements - Urban
Complements - Urban
Complements - Urban
Complements - Urban
3 db akril paszta 100 ml-es kiszerelésben.
9 144 Ft
A vásárlás után járó pontok: 914 Ft
3 db akril paszta 100 ml-es kiszerelésben.

Pack of 3 acrylic pastes in a 100 ml container. You can find three different acrylic textures with different colors and finishes to create urban and road scenes. You can mix them fresh with both acrylic paint and pigments. Easy to spread with a brush or spatula. Once dry you can paint them with any type of paint.

Flat. - Paste with fine and smooth grain texture.
ASPHALT. - Paste with fine and smooth grain texture, whose almost black color is ideal for representing asphalt or tar roads.
CONCRETE. - Paste with fine texture and grayish color, ideal for representing cement surfaces.