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Chipping Soft

Chipping Soft
Chipping Soft
Scale 75 Chipping effekt.
2 032 Ft
A vásárlás után járó pontok: 203 Ft
Scale 75 Chipping effekt.

Scale 75's chipping liquids are perfect for adding a quick and easy battle worn effect. First, paint your model with a base colour, this will be the colour that is displayed after chipping. Next, with a brush or airbrush, apply a layer of the chipping liquid and let it dry. After a few minutes and once this layer is dry to the touch, paint the model with the colour that will be worn. Finally, with a wet paintbrush or brush, rub the surface to achieve the desired effect of wear. To achieve more pronounced scratches and wear you can use tweezers / toothpicks etc.