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TOP termékek

Grand Master

Grand Master
Grand Master
Grand Master
Grand Master
Grand Master
Grand Master
Grand Master
Grand Master
Grand Master
Grand Master
Grand Master
Grand Master
Grand Master
Grand Master
Grand Master
Jó kategóriás 75mm-es festetlen figura.
27 432 Ft
A vásárlás után járó pontok: 2 743 Ft
Jó kategóriás 75mm-es festetlen figura.

This figure kit includes pieces of white metal to make a 75mm Grand Master.
The master is the highest authority of a warrant, with almost absolute power, both militarily and political or religious. He was elected by the council, composed of thirteen monks, from whence they derive their name thirteen components. The office of Master is for life, and his death, thirteen, convened by the prior over the order, choose the new.
Please note: These models come unpainted and some assembly may be required