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Pigments Collection

Pigments Collection
Pigments Collection
Pigments Collection
Pigments Collection
Pigments Collection
Pigments Collection
Pigments Collection
Pigments Collection
Pigments Collection
12 pigmentet tartalmazó 35 ml-es csomag.
24 888 Ft
A vásárlás után járó pontok: 2 489 Ft
12 pigmentet tartalmazó 35 ml-es csomag.

Our pack of 12 pigments in 35 ml containers offers a selection of natural shades that provide a wide range of effects, from the most subtle to the most pronounced. This product is ideal for modelers and miniaturists dedicated to historical recreation, fantasy, science fiction, dioramas, wargames, among others.
Experiment with different shades to achieve effects of dust, dirt, sand, rust and even fluorescent colors. Pigments can be applied directly to the model, play stand or scene, either dry or diluted with thinner or water to create more earthy effects.
The versatility of these pigments allows you to mix them with each other and combine them with other products.