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Synthetic Brushes - Filbert Brush 4

Synthetic Brushes - Filbert Brush 4
Synthetic Brushes - Filbert Brush 4
Filbert ecset 4.
2 108 Ft 
1 054 Ft
Kezdete: 2024.09.06   A készlet erejéig!
A vásárlás után járó pontok: 105 Ft
Filbert ecset 4.

The Filbert brushes are special for painting figures and uniforms and are used to blend and mix the different layers of paint in a smooth way without hard edges.
They could be used to cover large areas or to apply filters and washed in a subtle way.
Abteilung 502 brand's brushes have become a classic in the world of modelling.
Our wide range of high quality brushes allows you to achieve the best results and you could choose the one that best suits your needs.
With these brushes you can achieve all the needed effects for a perfect finished model.
Quality and conservation of brushes is of great importance because they will make easier the most efficient application of the paint.
And also using our ABT114 Magic Gel you will keep your brushes like new.