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Synthetic Layer Brush - Small

Synthetic Layer Brush - Small
Synthetic Layer Brush - Small
Új szintetikus ecsetek a Games Workshoptól.
1 900 Ft
A vásárlás után járó pontok: 190 Ft
Makettező festékekhez ajánlott minőségi ecset.

For intricate details and edge highlights, look no further than the S Layer brush. Made with precision to get you into even the tightest crevasses, this brush is absolutely essential for novice and experienced hobbyists alike.

As a Citadel STC brush, the bristles have been made out of the finest 100% synthetic fibres Games Workshop have ever produced, helping to maintain the ideal brush shape and prevent curling at the tip. This brush has been carefully designed to paint the finest miniature details. It's an excellent companion to regular Citadel brushes, and designed to work perfectly with the Citadel Colour paint range.