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True Wax Pure Black 20 ml

True Wax Pure Black 20 ml
True Wax Pure Black 20 ml
True Wax Pure Black 20 ml
True Wax Pure Black 20 ml
True Wax Pure Black 20 ml
Ez a fekete viasz nagy fedőerővel rendelkezik a fa, parafa és hab esetében.
3 139 Ft
A vásárlás után járó pontok: 314 Ft
Ez a fekete viasz nagy fedőerővel rendelkezik a fa, parafa és hab esetében.

This black wax has a high covering power on wood, cork and foam.
It can be applied with a brush or a cloth, gently spreading the wax on the surface.
It is suitable for staining wooden bases and a multitude of works on porous materials.
The wax paint is a dense product on enamel base, with a slow drying time.